• Posts by Andrew D. Buschmeier, Ph.D.
    Senior Patent Agent

    Andy works with clients large and small to prosecute, license, and perform due diligence on patents in the fields of electronics and computing, and in communication systems and semiconductor devices in particular. His passion for ...

Patent Portfolio Asset Mining-First Step in Monetization

Let’s face it: patents are expensive and most fail to be profitable. For any typical patent portfolio, the challenge is to efficiently weed out the winners from the duds and then assert the winners strategically to effectively monetize the portfolio.

To successfully monetize a patent, one must: 1) prove infringement of one or more asserted claims, 2) defend the asserted claims against invalidity attacks, and 3) establish high-impact damages caused by the accused products’ infringement. So, how does one mine a portfolio for patents that are most likely to help achieve these ... Read More ›



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